Jacob Surber, Senior Product Manager at Adobe discuss the latest version of Edge Reflow CC Preview, with Front-End Web Designer Dan Rose in detail.
Research BLOG
This blog is dedicated to Creative/Art Direction, Brand Management, Interaction Design, UX, Usability, Industrial Design, Interface Design, Storytelling ...and related areas of interest.
inFORM Dynamic Shape Display
inFORM is a Dynamic Shape Display that can render 3D content physically, so users can interact with digital information in a tangible way. inFORM can also interact with the physical world around it, for example moving objects on the table's surface. Remote participants in a video conference can be displayed physically, allowing for a strong sense of presence and the ability to interact physically at a distance. inFORM is a step toward our vision of Radical Atoms.
Bill Moggridge 1943-2012
Sony explains why DualShock 4 dropped touchscreen
One of Sony's DualShock 4 prototypes featured a touchscreen, but this was ultimately scrapped in the final version in favor of the touchpad because developers didn't like the idea of having players divert their eyes from the main screen during gameplay, product planning manager Toshimasa Aoki explains. Read article
Specialmoves shows gesture-based interactive design experiments
Neil Bennet speaks to the London-based agency Specialmoves about what its building for itself and clients that push the boundaries of how users interact with projects.
"The whole idea of gestural interfaces is still in its early stages, with technologies like the Kinect, Leap Motion and the Intel Camera which are all great concepts to help create and control interfaces with our human body without the use of a controller or remote.
One rather creepy project used the Intel Gesture Camera's facial tracking system to create a portrait who's eyes followed you around the room.
"Each device has its different uses. The Kinect can detect the human skeleton and use the whole body to interact with applications, but the Leap gives us the power to engage apps with our hands and fingers. The thing to remember is that there are always flaws and limitations to the devices.
"The limitations we found with the Leap concern the boundaries and distance of hand position before the device can pick up your hand and fingers. The size of different peoples' hands can cause issues, so we had to find a balance with maximums and minimums. The rotation of the hand can also confuse the device, as fingers start disappearing. Also in testing, we found that device itself is pretty unstable in different lighting environments.
"Knowing these limitations with the Leap, we do have to work around and adapt to these issues in our designs, but we will be creative and create any application in the best way to show off the best bits about the device."
Xbox Kinect One takes it to a new level
"The Kinect sensors will revolutionize computing experiences. The precision and intuitive responsiveness that the new platform provides will accelerate the development of voice and gesture experiences on computers," said Bob Heddle, director of Kinect for Windows.
"The new Kinect has really taken it to the next level and may have taken a step out of just games. With the ability to know about your muscles, emotions and heart rate, it really has the opportunity to also jump into other industries – like medical and sports. The new Kinect is really exciting and I personally cannot wait to get my hands on one, so I can start my experiments and research on people.", says Stephen Chan, senior developer at Special Moves.
When Flat Design Falls Flat
Rick Debus writes for Six Revisions about IOS7 graphics as an example of inconsistent flat design, and the possible solution of an "Almost-Flat Design".
“What’s wrong with iOS 7? It’s inconsistent.”
A collaborative remote whiteboard
Moving Brands worked with Hitachi's product and engineering teams as user experience experts, designing an advanced collaboration tool – a touch-based whiteboard that would aid in the creation, exchange and collection of ideas.
Through integrating a custom user interface with existing backend technologies, the Advanced Collaboration System has been developed to allow businesses to increase meeting efficiency and collaborate both locally and remotely. This System will serve as the centre of every meeting, while allowing input from multiple devices.