Jacob Surber, Senior Product Manager at Adobe discuss the latest version of Edge Reflow CC Preview, with Front-End Web Designer Dan Rose in detail.
Research BLOG
This blog is dedicated to Creative/Art Direction, Brand Management, Interaction Design, UX, Usability, Industrial Design, Interface Design, Storytelling ...and related areas of interest.
Responsive Design is Not About Screen Sizes Any More
In March 2012, Guy Podjarny ran a test comparing the performance of hundreds of shiny new responsive websites across four different screen resolutions. The results were very disappointing. Two years into the rise of Responsive Web Design, after every imaginable sort of designer and developer had jumped into the train, it took a test to almost rock the theory to its foundations. Guy proved that almost every known responsive site was overweight.But, more importantly, every mobile user was receiving the same kilobyte overload as a desktop user.
Jony Ive Explains Why He Decided To Gut Skeuomorphism From iOS 7
With the launch of iOS 7 Apple made some bold steps to ditch the rich textures, shadowing, and other skeuomorphic elements that have been a staple on the iPhone since 2007. Consumers and professionals has reacted to this, which is exampled by previous article When flat design falls flat.
Jony Ive explains:
Thanks to the departure of iOS Software Chief Scott Forstall back in October, Sir Jony Ive was given a bigger role in iOS software development, so to hype up the launch of Jony’s first software masterpiece, he and Apple’s new SVP of Software Engineering, Craig Federighi, sat down with USA Today to give some details on what went into the creation of iOS 7.
Blueprints For Web And Print: Specctr, A Free Adobe Illustrator Plugin
Have you ever submitted design files to a development team for production and a few weeks later gotten something back that looks nothing like your original work? Many designers and design teams make the mistake of thinking that their work is done once they’ve completed the visual design stage.
Specctr is a plugin for Adobe applications. Specctr transitions a visual design to production by enabling you to specify form (spacing, width and height, colors, fonts, etc.) and function (hover states, transitions, user flows, etc.). It automatically generates a specification and creates a blueprint for the design, which saves time.